Services Provided By Hospice

HoriSun Hospice offers the following levels of care to meet your needs:

Today, too many Americans die alone.  Most people do not want to die by themselves in sterile, impersonal surroundings, attached to machines and cut off from family and friends.  Instead, they prefer to spend their last days at home - alert and free of pain - with the people they love.  HoriSun Hospice makes this possible.


Visits by the hospice team are provided and based on the needs of the individual and family. This includes medications, supplies and equipment related to the life-limiting illness.  Routine visits can be provided in private homes, extended care facilities, assisted living and skilled nursing facilities.


Provides short-term clinical management for pain and symptom management in a hospital or skilled nursing facility.  All hospice services are covered, including room and board.  This is a brief stay to alleviate uncontrolled pain and symptoms.


Five-day accommodations for the patient in a licensed nursing facility designed to provide the primary caregiver with time to rest, recuperate, or for personal time.  This stay is fully reimbursed under arrangement between the facility and HoriSun Hospice.

Continuous Care

A Higher level of care can be used during a medical crisis.  Continuous Care provides a minimum of eight hours of professional nursing care and is reassessed every 24 hours to ensure that immediate clinical needs are addressed, particularly during the actively dying process.